So, I've finally got a job, sort of! Last week was the end of work for the old business manager at the Washington Monthly, so I've been asked to step in and pinch hit until they hire someone permanently.
The big question now is if I should apply for the real thing. On the one hand, it is a lot of administrative busywork—don't get me wrong, I don't mind that kind of work, I just wonder a bit if I would be sidetracking my career. On the other hand, I really need money. On the third hand, I do think it's important, particularly as the media landscape is shifting beneath our feet, for up-and-comers to be familiar with the nuts-and-bolts of how journalistic outfits make their money. Plus I feel like the Monthly is due for a big overhaul in their business model; I would be very interested in doing something like that. On the fourth hand, I know and like everyone here, and even if I were just doing admin stuff, I'd still be in journalism and in a perfect place to pitch stories and the like.
I suppose I'm leaning toward apply. Any advice out there?
The big question now is if I should apply for the real thing. On the one hand, it is a lot of administrative busywork—don't get me wrong, I don't mind that kind of work, I just wonder a bit if I would be sidetracking my career. On the other hand, I really need money. On the third hand, I do think it's important, particularly as the media landscape is shifting beneath our feet, for up-and-comers to be familiar with the nuts-and-bolts of how journalistic outfits make their money. Plus I feel like the Monthly is due for a big overhaul in their business model; I would be very interested in doing something like that. On the fourth hand, I know and like everyone here, and even if I were just doing admin stuff, I'd still be in journalism and in a perfect place to pitch stories and the like.
I suppose I'm leaning toward apply. Any advice out there?
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ReplyDelete"Rico... You know what to do."
ReplyDelete-Starship Troopers
Serious, Ryan? Apply, does not mean you have to accept. Accept, does not mean you will have to stay. No options occur until you apply. I actually can't believe you hesitate, well, OK, yes I can believe that, but really apply. Nothing is as it seems. Best, B