It occurs to me that I've taken a rather staggering risk working at an unpaid internship in one of the most expensive cities in the US. Thus but I've been fiddling around with the new Google support widget to try and extract rents out of my vast fanbase. It seems like a complete longshot, but who knows. Right now, it appears to work with Chrome but not with Firefox on my computer--no idea why. But if it appears on the right there, and you feel like supporting a young broke-ass journalist risking it all (or at least a significant fraction) to follow his dreams, well plug in any amount $1 or greater.
Great idea, Ryan. I tried, but got this error message (shown below). Will try again, hopefully after you've been able to fix it. B
The Orbital has sent Google a shopping cart with errors in it. We'll contact them to ask that they fix this problem. As this could be a temporary issue, you can go back in your browser to try checking out again.
Debugging information
If you are acting on behalf of the merchant, more information about this error has been made available in the Integration Console under the Tools section. You can access the details of this error directly by logging into your merchant account and then pasting the following url:
Time when the error happened: 2011-09-24T17:16:35 (UTC) (4adb31686d140)
I'm looking into it.