I've been doing some halfhearted digging around to find someone to manage the library that my school has now that the Grade R has finally moved into its new classroom. There was precisely no interest, mostly because the position wouldn't pay right away and it would take some doing to find some money for a salary. Money is the first, last, and only question people had for me. But just this week some random person showed up who claimed her job is to be the librarian! As far as I can guess the Germans must be paying her. And I had basically given up on that part.
We have a few books here, but most of them are just random textbook sample packs--like Grade 12 accounting and so forth. But there are a few fiction books, and it's possible to get free books from several different organizations in South Africa. There's even some US group that will send you a palette of unsorted books (roughly 20,000) by ship. The catch is that then you are responsible for getting the books from the port to your village. But if me and a pack of the neighboring volunteers joined forces, we might be able to manage it.
We have a few books here, but most of them are just random textbook sample packs--like Grade 12 accounting and so forth. But there are a few fiction books, and it's possible to get free books from several different organizations in South Africa. There's even some US group that will send you a palette of unsorted books (roughly 20,000) by ship. The catch is that then you are responsible for getting the books from the port to your village. But if me and a pack of the neighboring volunteers joined forces, we might be able to manage it.
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