Speaking of thievery, there's a marathon for charity coming up. I plan to run in it--though not the full whack, only half the distance, 21.1 km. I'm supposed to raise money for a foundation called KLM, which is basically a scholarship program to send kids from poor rural villages in Mpumalanga to Uplands College, one of the best secondary schools in the country. To participate in the marathon, each Peace Corps volunteer is supposed to raise $100. Can you spare a couple bucks?
Here's how to donate. Go to the
KLM site, where you can check out the program and some of the recipients, and click "Donate" in the upper right (make sure you have flash enabled). Make sure you put my name in the Longtom Marathon field so I get credit for your money (pretty easy for me, eh? All I have to do is run 21 km and not die). That's it. Now help a disadvantaged South African child—
or else.
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